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(Formerly Know as Monsoon software Consulting Private Limited)
IT-4,EPIP,RIICO Idustrial Area, Sitapura,Jaipur -302022 (Raj) India
Tel: 0141-2771080, Fax: 0141-2771082, Web:

Interview Form

  • Personal Information
  • Contact Information
  • Employment Information
  • Work Information

Post Applied For*

First Name*

Middle Name(if any)

Last Name*

Father's/Husband's Name*


Place Of Birth*

Marital Status*


Present Address*

Permanent Address*

E-mail Address*

Mobile No.*

Qualification Year attended Percentage(%) School/College Name
Post Graduation
Other(if any)
Employment Record
Starting with your most recent post,list in reverse order every appointment you have had.Use a separate block for each post.

Name/current employer:
Address/current employer:
Phone number of last/current employer:
Current Reporting Head(with designation):
Number of employees reported to you:
Total annual net income (after deduction of tax):
Other Benefits\Allowence:

Have you previously worked for the INDIARESULTS.COM?

Have you previously submitted an application for employment with the INDIARESULTS.COM?
If so,when?


List two persons,not related to you,who are familiar with your character and qualification.DO NOT repeat name of supervisors listed in the employment record.

Full Name Full Address Phone No E-Mail address Business or Occupation

Whether any relative of yours is/was employed in the company? If so give details

Name and designation of persons in the Company known to you(other than relations)


I    certify that the aforesaid information given is correct and nothing has been concealed.If any of the above information is found to be false or incorrect during the course of my employment,the management will be fully competent to dismiss and the same will be deemed to be part of contract of employment.



Salary Expected:

If Selected,When You Can Join?