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Institutional Linkages

NIAM has been engaged in research, consultancy, education, policy suggestions and capacity building in the field of agricultural marketing for a wide spectrum of stakeholders and has a vast network of institutional linkages

  • USDA
  • World Bank
  • National bank for agriculture and development (NABARD)
  • NABARD Consultancy Services (NABARD)
  • Confedertaion of India Industries(CII)
  • Federation of indian Chambers of commerce and industry(FICCI)
  • Associated Chambers of Commerce of India ASSOCHAM
  • Ministry of Agriculture (Kenya, Malwai and Liberial)
  • State Agricultural Marketing Boards,
  • Directortate of Marketing Boards,
  • Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority(APEDA)
  • National centre for cold chain Development (NCCD),GOI
  • State Development Departments Like Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Husbandary,Fisheries, Forestry, Sericulture
  • State Agricultural Universities,
  • Co-oprative Marketing Societies,
  • Commodity Boards,
  • Input Agencies
  • Progressive Farmers and Enterpreneurs
1 Agricultural and Processed Food Export Development Authority, New Delhi
2 Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi
3 Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur
4 Central Inland Capture Fisheries Research Institute, (ICAR),Barrackpur, West Bengal
5 Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal
6 Central Institute of Brackish Water Aqua Culture (ICAR), Chennai
7 Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai
8 Central Institute of Research on Goats, Makhdoom, Mathura (U.P)
9 Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal
10 GB Pant Agriculture University, Pantnagar and other Agricultural Universities
11 Coffee Board, Bangalore, Karnataka
12 Forward Markets Commission, Mumbai
13 Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi
14 Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi
15 Indian Institute of Packaging, Mumbai
16 National Bank for Agriculture & Rural Development (NABARD)
17 National Centre for Agricultural Economics and Policy Research, New Delhi
18 National Centre for Mushroom Research and Training,Chambaghat, Solan
19 National Centre for Trade Information, Pragati Maidan,New Delhi
20 National Co-operative Development Corporation (NCDC)
21 National Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Limited, Delhi
22 National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management, Hyderabad
23 National Institute of Rural Development (NIRD),Hyderabad
24 National Research Centre for palm oil, Eluru (A.P)
25 North Eastern Development Finance Corporation (NEDFI)
26 Spices Board, Cochin
27 Tea Board, Kolkata
28 Tobacco Board, Guntur
29 State Agricultural Marketing Boards
30 Agricultural Universities of Bangalore, Mysore and Dharwad
1 US Department of Agriculture and USAID
2 The World Bank
3 Royal Government of Bhutan
4 Food and Agriculture Organization
5 World union of Wholesale Markets
6 Association of Food Marketing Agency (AFMA)
7 Asian Productivity Organization, Japan
8 Wageningen University, Netherlands
9 University of California, Davis, Michigan University and other U.S. Universities under SAMS Programme

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