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Executive Committee

Internal reforms in traditional agricultural marketing system of the country have become indispensable to enable our farmers to tap into the external market of the post-WTO regime. Now that many states have introduced some reforms in agricultural marketing, the need of the hour is to consolidate the gain of reforms through appropriate policies and plans. The existing trade barriers have to be removed for evolving a common market in India. There is a need to give a push to processing and value addition. Cost effectiveness through integrated supply chain management has become sine qua non in the present world trade environment. This demands doing away with the dysfunctional aspects of the present regulated marketing system by putting in place a responsive market information system, need-based price discovery mechanism, measures to solve the problem of economies of scale at the grass root level by promoting contract farming, direct marketing and private investment in agricultural marketing infrastructure.

Secretary of the - Ministry/Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, dealing with the Society. Chairman
Joint Secretary in charge of the Agricultural Marketing of the Ministry/Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, dealing with the Society. Vice-Chairman
Joint Secretary (Finance of the Ministry/Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, Government of India, dealing with Society. Member
Agricultural Marketing Advisor to -the Government of India. Member
Chairman, Council of Stat - Agricultural Marketing Boards Member
Chief Secretary, Government of Rajasthan Member
Director General, National Institute of Agricultural Marketing, Jaipur. Member

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